For those of you who follow my twitter feed you will have noticed that I’ve been traveling quite a bit lately. It’s been a busy Summer to say the least. So what’s been going on at GameSetMap? Plenty in fact…
During August I took a trip back to Australia and presented to a group of students from the School of Mathematical and Geospatial Science at my former university, RMIT. It’s always great to re-visit the place where so many seeds were planted for my career that lay ahead. And of course it’s rewarding to share your work with the students to give them a taste of what’s possible with their geo-spatial knowledge. Thanks to Gita and Lucas for having me!
Back where it all started at RMIT University, Melbourne.
After Australia I set off for Dresden, Germany where I presented my tennis work at the 26th International Cartographic Conference (ICC). The conference is the premier bi-annual global cartographic/geospatial meet-up in the world, attracting over 1300 delegates. I presented my work under the stream of 4D Cartography. As we know, much of sports analytics is preformed across 4 dimensions, space (x,y,z) and time, so this was a perfect slot for my spatio-temporal tennis analysis. It was great to see a packed house in for my talk, it certainly raised a few eyebrows!
Talking about wearable technology and Google Glass for tennis at ICC in Dresden.
After Germany I was invited to talk at the IE Sports Analytics Innovation Summit in Boston, MA. There were some big names on the program from Manchester United, New York Knicks, NFL, Nike and Adidas so it was humbling to share the same space with some of the big guns of the sports world. Much of the talk from the conference was about data, in particular geo-sports data, what to do with it, how to make sense of it etc. This area is about to blow up big time!
The slides from the conference can be viewed below:
Over the journey I met so many great people, and collected many new ideas! My mind is buzzing with endless possibilities. In the next few months you’ll start to see the results of these ideas come to fruition on Stay tuned…